I’ve been holding off on commenting too much on the George Zimmerman joke of a trial. This guy is going to be convicted of something for sure. He was set up from the moment Barack Obama saw an opportunity for some pathetic political gain by race baiting. That’s when he made his lame-ass “If I had a son, he’d look like Travvon” speech and, that it’s “absolutely imperative that we investigate every aspect of this.” Back in March of 2012, Politico reported that Trayvon had “no history of trouble“, which turned out to be absolutely false. In the same article … Attorney General Eric Holder announced late Tuesday that a team of investigators from the FBI and other Justice offices were headed to Sanford to investigate the case and monitor developments.
It turns out that Eric Holder used tax payers money to provide assistance for anti-Zimmerman protests, rather than investigate the case.
The media at first claimed Zimmerman was a white guy. When it came out that his dad is white but his mother is Hispanic, the media invented the term “white-Hispanic”. Recordings were edited by the major media. Zimmerman’s address was posted on Twitter. And just recently CNN published Zimmerman’s address, social security number, and phone number on television. CNN also still as of today continue to refer to Zimmerman as a “white-Hispanic” … that would make Barack Obama a “white-African”.
The prosecution has been an absolute joke, literally proving Zimmerman’s innocence themselves. However, since they realize they had no case against him, especially of the charge of 2nd degree murder, they want the jury to consider 3rd degree murder, manslaughter, and/or child abuse. The prosecution requested the judge to consider the lessor charges after the defense rested their case. There is no way the defense can prepare a defense against the lessor charges … they’re rested their case.
Bottom line … They have to find him guilty of something so that blacks won’t riot. Personally, I wouldn’t have a problem with it. They tend to tear up their own neighborhoods and vandalize their own businesses. I say “get after it” because Zimmerman is innocent. If anything he should have capped Trayvon Martin via a drive-by shooting.
America should be ashamed. Race baiters like Barack Obama, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson make me sick. The have to keep racism alive and well; for Obama’s political gain and for Sharpton and Jackson to exploit for personal gain.
Trayvon Martin was a wannbe gangsta, thug … not saying he deserved to die … but do-do happens.
Filed under: America, Barack Hussein Obama, Barry Soetoro, Corruption, Crime, Government Control, Liberals, Lies, Main Stream Media, Media, politics, Racism Tagged: America, Barack Hussein Obama, Barry Soetoro, Corruption, crime, Eric Holder, George Zimmerman, liars, Media, politics, Trayvon Martin