Jay Christian Adams is a former DOJ attorney who worked in the Civil Rights division. He’s the guy who was to prosecute the New Black Panthers for the voter intimidation instance in Philadelphia in 2008, the case that Eric Holder had dismissed because he refuses to prosecute “his people”. He resigned from his position in Obama’s DOJ because of radicalization and the racial prejudices towards white people and because black criminals were not being prosecuted. He stated that any black attorneys working in the Department of Justice who were filing cases against black criminals were being harassed by superiors within the Department. In an interview with Sean Hannity he gave some examples of how Obama’s DOJ is being “radicalized” …
In New York City and Dayton, Ohio, they have forced the police and fire departments there to hire minority applicants who actually failed the entrance test because of their race, failed the entrance test.
In upstate New York, they have sued a school district to accommodate so children can come to school dressed as transvestites, short skirts, high heels, pink wigs.
In Harlingen, Texas, and I detailed this in “Injustice.” In 2009, they actually allowed an illegal election to take place because they’re waiting to see the race of whatever won the election. When the right race won, they didn’t do anything about it because the right person won.
I was listening to the Mark Levin show last night and he was interviewing Mr. Adams. (yeah, I listen to Levin and actually like him as long as he isn’t “limp-wristing” around the birther issue)
The Right Scoop has the audio interview. It behooves us to listen to the interview as the lawlessness of team Obama is stunning. What’s equally if not more appalling is how the entire Congress lets them get away with it.
Department of Justice IG Report – A Review of the Operations of the Voting Section of the Civil Rights Divi… by ObamaRelease YourRecords
(use the left/right arrows at the bottom to scroll through the document)
Cartoon by: Michael Ramirez
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Hat Tip / The Western Center For Journalism
Obamaville Song
A funny song sung to the tune of Margaritaville and inspired by Rush Limbaugh. This parody has original lyrics by Rick White and sung by Jack Anderson. Both of Charleston, West Virginia
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